Tuesday, September 15, 2009

still learning norwegian

After having lived 20 years overseas, I moved back to Norway at the end of 1999. Has it really been 10 years ago??
I still pick up new words, but this latest threw me for a loop.
What the hell does this mean? I looked it up on the internet but there were no english words for this.
So I looked up "vake" but no english word for this either.
To me it looks like "valgkake" which makes more sense. Just a big cake filled with all of the different political parties. And there are alot of them in Norway. In the US there are 2, and sometimes 3... but we all know that the 3rd "independent" party never has a chance.
Anyways... I digress.
Valgvake valgvake valgvake

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