Thursday, June 25, 2009

I`m back! Or... did I ever leave?

After talking with my friend last night, I decide to get my own blog so I can write about all the things I can possibly think of, thinking that people actually find an interest in this and will read my thoughts. Or maybe just to vent.

But when I want to create my blog: guyhuste, I am told that it is already taken. Uh, what? How many GuyHustes are there?
When I check out this guyhuste I see that it is, in fact, just me. From September 2005, almost 4 years ago, I decided to create my own blog.
Obviously I quickly lost interest and forgot about the whole thing.
Well after a quick search through my papers with usernames and logins (yes, I keep these on physical sheets of paper and not on a PC... which always tends to crash and lose all info) I actually found my 4 year old password.
Now it looks as if I am back again and can write to my hearts content.

But do I really need to be here? I already have,,, and of course my Facebook page which already has light hearted stuff about my adventures in triathlon and photo and teachings.

Will it take me another 4 years for my next post?
We`ll see how long it will last this time...


  1. Hi, and welcome...back!

    I'm looking forward to following your thoughts, and I'm glad to see that I inspired you to bring your blog back to life.

  2. Every fourth year! Just like the olympics.
